Cell Phones for Soldiers
Students collect used cell phones and chargers to be donated for recycling. The funds from the recycled phones are used to purchase phone cards for soldiers, so they can call home to friends and family. Cell Phones For Soldiers is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to serving troops and veterans with free communication services and emergency funding. Each $5 contribution or donated device valued at $5 will provide troops with an estimated 2.5 hours of FREE talk time.
Shoeboxes for the Homeless
We collect 150 empty shoeboxes and fill them with items: soap, toothpaste, washcloth, hand towel, shampoo, conditioner, small toys for boy or girl, socks, scarves, hat, gloves. We also collect like new coats for all ages. Near Christmas, all boxes are delivered and students serve them a meal.
Respect Programs & Anti-Bully Awareness
Students perform The Respect Rap and we have an orange out day in October for bully awareness. Students purchase an orange t-shirt for all staff to wear that states "Stand Up, Speak Up". We want all students and staff to be upstanders, not bystanders to bully tactics. Students wear orange bandanas as well! All students place their hand on a wall mural, and sign their name as a pledge against bullying!