Have you ever wondered how much sleep you need or why you always sleep in late on weekends? Studies show that the average teen is supposed to have 9 hours of sleep but usually only get about 7 hours of sleep because of school, not to mention students stay up late on their phone.
Teachers have high expectations which lead to more homework. The more homework students have, the longer they stay up doing it. Teachers having high expectations is great! It means that they believe in their students. However, giving them lots and lots of homework isn't a good idea because, most likely they have homework in other classes and if they let that homework pile up, then the work cuts into the student's sleep schedule, which can sometimes lead to students sleeping in class or not paying attention and zoning out. This, or sometimes students are so stressed out about their homework, whether they forgot it at school or they're worried they got some problems wrong, some students will have anxiety over it and that prevents them sleeping well.
Some students say that they have anxiety and that makes it hard for them to sleep. Students stay up worrying about life, like what are they going to do with their life or asking questions like "what if I don't live past tomorrow?" Or "what if I don't get into college" sometimes even "what if my friends hate me?" And sometimes they're worried about the monster in their closet. That’s right the fear never goes away! Students also have depression, which keeps them awake and they just zone out. That's all they think about.
In conclusion, middle school students don't have the best sleeping schedule, which keeps them from waking up on time, causing some to be late for school or fall asleep in class, maybe not being able to learn. What are your thoughts, do you have trouble sleeping? Maybe teachers should offer coffee?