East Coast Adventure
Two weeks ago 9 students from Riverton Middle school including myself went on a historic trip. It’s was such an amazing experience, I learned so much. Students from surrounding schools and, students from Kentucky and Arkansas went on the trip. Our roommates were from different schools which gave us a chance to make new friendships that could last a lifetime. I really liked my roomates, there was Jaydon from Miami, Alli from Colgan, and Courtney from Kentucky.
We went to Colonial Williamsburg, Gettysburg, Fort McHenry, Washington D.C., Mount Vernon, Monticello, Independence Hall, and many, many other places. When we were in Colonial Williamsburg, we learned the early struggles of making a country. We went to Monticello and Mount Vernon and got to see the secret life of important people. When we were in Washington D.C. we got the once in a lifetime chance of getting to go to George H. Bush’s viewing. We waited 4 hours outside the capital in freezing weather. Besides that night the weather was really nice, we barely needed to wear our heavy coats.
My favorite thing we did was go to Monticello. Monticello is Thomas Jefferson’s 5,000 acre plantation. It was my favorite thing, because his house is so beautiful and it is full of cool gadgets and tools. My second favorite thing was Colonial Williamsburg, it was like taking a look back into history. My third favorite thing was touring monuments in Washington D.C., it was amazing getting to see the monuments in real life. Don’t even get me started on the food, we ate so much at amazing places. My favorite meal was at Mickey’s Tavern. I’m so glad that I got the chance to go on this trip. I understand history better than ever now.